

1. package.json 添加vue的依赖

2. 继承对应的基类


  • VueCmpBase vue组件基类
  • VueDbCmpBase vue组件数据库组件基类. 功能: 属性包含了绑定数据源
  • VueFieldDbCmpBase vue组件绑定数据源字段的组件基类. 功能: 属性包含了绑定数据源和字段的绑定
  • VueInputBase vue组件输入组件基类 功能:属性包含value以及函数setValue,getValue 的输入类型的组件



import { Step, Steps } from 'element-ui';
import * as _ from "lodash";
import Vue from 'vue';
import { IContainerBase } from "yh-designer/dist/base/ComponentBase";
import { Component, serialize, VueacType, vueEditor } from "yh-designer/dist/base/decorators/Decorators";
import { Common } from "yh-designer/dist/utils/Common";
import { ElStepItemsAttrEditor } from '../attrbuteEditors/ElStepItemsAttrEditor';
import { VueCmpBase } from "../base/VueCmpBase";


 * 步骤
export interface IStepItem {
     * 标题
    title: string;
     * 描述
    description?: string;
     * 图标
     * 参考: https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/icon
    icon?: string;
     * 状态
    status?: ElStepProcessStatus

 * 方向
export enum ElStepDirection {
    horizontal = 'horizontal',
    vertical = 'vertical',
 * 设置当前步骤的状态
export enum ElStepProcessStatus {
    wait = 'wait',
    process = 'process',
    finish = 'finish',
    error = 'error',
    success = 'success',

 * 设置分割线文案的位置
export enum ElStepContentPosition {
    center = 'center',
    left = 'left',
    right = 'right',

type ElStepStyle = {
 *Steps 步骤条
 * 参考 https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/steps
@Component({ gourp: "element-navigation", title: '步骤条', name: '步骤条', icon: '' })
export class ElStep extends VueCmpBase {
    * 每个 step 的间距,不填写将自适应间距。支持百分比
    @vueEditor(String, { labelCaption: '每个 step 的间距', placeholder: '20% , 100px', vue: {} })
    space: string

     * 所有的步骤
    @vueEditor(Array, { labelCaption: '编辑选项', editorClass: Common.getClassName(ElStepItemsAttrEditor) })
    steps: IStepItem[]

    * 设置分割线方向
    @vueEditor(ElStepDirection, { labelCaption: '设置当前激活步骤', placeholder: '20% , 100px', vue: {} }, ElStepDirection.horizontal)
    direction: ElStepDirection

     * 设置当前激活步骤
    @vueEditor(Number, { labelCaption: '设置当前激活步骤', placeholder: '20% , 100px', vue: { attr: ':active' } }, 0)
    activeStepIndex: number

     * 设置当前步骤的状态
    @vueEditor(ElStepProcessStatus, { labelCaption: '设置当前步骤的状态', vue: { attr: 'process-status' } }, ElStepProcessStatus.process)
    processStatus: ElStepProcessStatus;

    @vueEditor(ElStepProcessStatus, { labelCaption: '是否进行居中对齐', vue: { attr: 'finish-status' } }, ElStepProcessStatus.process)
    finishStatus: ElStepProcessStatus;

     * 是否进行居中对齐
    @vueEditor(Boolean, { labelCaption: '是否进行居中对齐', vue: { attr: 'align-center', type: VueacType.AttrNoVal } })
    isAlignCenter: boolean

     * 是否应用简洁风格
    @vueEditor(Boolean, { labelCaption: '是否应用简洁风格', vue: { type: VueacType.AttrNoVal } })
    simple: boolean

    constructor(config: IContainerBase) {
        this.isDropCreate && this.buildDefalut();
        this.canChildComponentsDragPut = false;
        this.canChildComponentsDragPull = false;

    buildDefalut() {
        let items = this.steps;
        if (items.length == 0) {
            for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                let newStep = { title: '步骤' + (i + 1) };

    css: ElStepStyle
    doGetCss(): ElStepStyle {
        const styles = {
            ElStep: {

        return styles;
    doGetClassName() {
        return this.css.ElStep;
     *  **注意**:使用注解注册属性编辑器这里不能少
    getAttrEditors() {
        let attrs = super.getAttrEditors()
        return attrs.concat(this.getAttrsByClassName(ElStep));
    * 获取组件的html
    getElemtHtml() {

        let cmpAttr = this.getVueAttrStr(),
            onClickEvent = ''
        return [
            , '<el-steps ' + cmpAttr + ' ' + onClickEvent + this.doGetCmpIdTypeStr() + '>' + this.getItemsHtml() + '</el-steps>'
    getItemsHtml() {
        let ret = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.steps.length; i++) {
            const step = this.steps[i];
            let attrTitle = this.getAttrStr(step.title, 'title'),
                Description = this.getAttrStr(step.description, 'description'),
                AttrIcon = this.getAttrStr(step.icon, 'icon');
            let cmpAttr = AttrIcon + attrTitle
            ret.push('<el-step ' + cmpAttr + Description + '></el-step>')
        return ret.join('')

    protected doDesigningDbClick() {
     * 设置默认值
    doGetVueData() {
        let vueData = super.doGetVueData()
        return vueData
     * 事件
    doGetMethods() {
        let ret = super.doGetMethods();
        let that = this;
        return _.merge(ret, {
            next() {

     * 下一步
    public nextStep() {
        if (this.activeStepIndex++ > this.steps.length - 1) this.activeStepIndex = this.steps.length;

     * 上一步
    public preStep() {
        if (this.activeStepIndex-- > 0) this.activeStepIndex = 0;

     * 返回是否已经完成了最后的步骤
     * @return true 已经最后步骤
    public isLast() {
        return this.steps.length == 0 || this.activeStepIndex == this.steps.length;

     * 获取步骤
     * @param index 步骤顺序索引
     * @return 返回步骤对象
    public getSetp(index: number) {
        return this.steps[index];
     * 设置步骤的状态
     * @param index 步骤的位置索引
     * @param status 状态
    public setSetpStatus(index: number, status: ElStepProcessStatus) {
        if (index < this.steps.length) {
            this.steps[index].status = status;

     * 设置当前步骤的状态
     * @param status 状态
     * @param foreUpdate 可选参数 是否强制刷新组件 默认true
    public setCurrStepStatus(status: ElStepProcessStatus, foreUpdate: boolean = true) {
        this.setSetpStatus(this.activeStepIndex, status);
        foreUpdate && this.doUpdate();

     * 新增步骤
     * @param step 步骤
     * @param foreUpdate 可选参数 是否强制刷新组件 默认true
     * @returns 返回step
    public addStep(step: IStepItem, foreUpdate: boolean = true) {
        foreUpdate && this.doUpdate();
        return step;

     * 移除步骤
     * @param step 步骤
     * @param foreUpdate 可选参数 是否强制刷新组件 默认true
    public removeStep(step: IStepItem, foreUpdate: boolean = true) {
        _.remove(this.steps, (item) => { return item.title == step.title });
        foreUpdate && this.doUpdate();

     *  更新步骤
     * @param step 步骤
     * @param foreUpdate 可选参数 是否强制刷新组件 默认true
     * */
    public updateStep(step: IStepItem, foreUpdate: boolean = true) {
        let it = _.find(this.steps, (item) => { return item.title == step.title })
        _.assign(it, step);
        foreUpdate && this.doUpdate();


    * 获取组件的html
    getElemtHtml() {

        let cmpAttr = this.getVueAttrStr(),
            onClickEvent = ''
        return [
            , '<el-steps ' + cmpAttr + ' ' + onClickEvent + this.doGetCmpIdTypeStr() + '>' + this.getItemsHtml() + '</el-steps>'
    getItemsHtml() {
        let ret = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.steps.length; i++) {
            const step = this.steps[i];
            let attrTitle = this.getAttrStr(step.title, 'title'),
                Description = this.getAttrStr(step.description, 'description'),
                AttrIcon = this.getAttrStr(step.icon, 'icon');
            let cmpAttr = AttrIcon + attrTitle
            ret.push('<el-step ' + cmpAttr + Description + '></el-step>')
        return ret.join('')

     * 设置默认值
    doGetVueData() {
        let vueData = super.doGetVueData()
        return vueData
     * 事件
    doGetMethods() {
        let ret = super.doGetMethods();
        let that = this;
        return _.merge(ret, {
            next() {


作者:admin  创建时间:2022-12-05 17:10
最后编辑:admin  更新时间:2024-04-26 09:11